Erasmus+ Studies



Erasmus code: PL WROCLAW01

OID number: E10208666

PIC number 999845155


ERASMUS - general information about the programme at the University of Wroclaw

The University of Wroclaw has been participating in the Erasmus programme since it came to Poland in 1998. Since then, thousands of students and staff members of partner universities have taken part in Erasmus exchanges with our university.

The University of Wroclaw has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027; therefore we will continue cooperation under the new Erasmus programme in the following academic years. We are open to new partnerships with universities holding the Erasmus Charter, as well as with other partner universities eligible for the Erasmus programme, but located outside the programme countries.

Useful links:


Types of mobilities


  • Erasmus + studies - going for part of the studies to the partner university abroad, long-term mobility 2-12 months
  • Erasmus + internships or graduate internships – professional training at company, institution, or organization located abroad in a country participating in the Erasmus+ programme, long-term mobility 2-12 months
  • Short-term mobility from 5 to 30 days – participation in an intensive short course abroad, in one of the progrmme countries, such as BIP (Blended Intensive Programme), summer or winter school or another course or internship intended for students with a mandatory virtual part (in the case of Phd students the virtual part is optional)

You can go to:

  • 27 European Union countries,
  • countries (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein,
  • Norway and to North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey


Erasmus+ Coordinators at Faculties

List of Erasmus+ Coordinators.

Partner universities


Timetable of recruitment for Erasmus study in the academic year 2024/2025


The presentation about the recruitment process 2024/2025

Erasmus days



Testimonials of Erasmus Program Participants 

To receive the scholarship, you have to successfully undergo the recruitment process conducted by the Erasmus Coordinator in your faculty or institute.

Erasmus+ Coordinators

Allocation of Erasmus places takes place once a year from January to March when students for winter and summer semester of the following academic year are recruited.

The basic criteria are:

  • average grade
  • level of candidate's motivation
  • command of foreign language in which classes abroad will be conducted


Recruitment for internships and short-term mobilities

Recruitment is continuous, which means that you can qualify at any time. It is conducted by the coordinator at the faculty (on an individually agreed date).

Recruitment for long-term  exchange for studies in 2024/2025 academic year


Foreign language placement interviews (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) will take place in the Foreign Language Centre (Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych/SPNJO).

Registration for interviews takes place in the Foreign Language Centre SPNJO, 


Recruitment of candidates on the faculty level - until February 29th 2024.

Erasmus recruitment is carried out by the Faculties

Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics link

Institute of Journalism and Social Communication link

Institute of History link

Institute of International Relations link

Institute of Sociology link

Institute of Political Science link

Faculty of Chemistry link

Faculty of Biotechnology  link


After you have successfully undergone the recruitment process at the faculty level, you will receive access to an online account on our website. 

Erasmus recruitment completed - presentation

Presentation with all the important an useful information for the students and PhD candidates, who has been qualified for Erasmus programme in 2024/2025.


If you have successfully undergone Erasmus recruitment process and been allocated a place on the list of outgoing students, you need to comply with some formalities in the International Office. 

You will receive information on the preparation of the mobility by e-mail. The message will be sent to the university e-mail address.

Status of the outgoing Erasmus student

The period you spend abroad will be recognized by the University of Wrocław as an integral part of your studies, so you won't have to start over the academic year or take a leave, on the condition that you fulfil the obligations described in Learning Agreement.

Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement is the most important document relating to an Erasmus scholarship. It is a list of your chosen classes which you will take at the foreign university. You must select your classes from among those listed at your host university website. The guides of selected universities are available for inspection in the International Office. The curriculum you design has to be officially approved by your institute: signed by the Erasmus Coordinator and/or other competent persons, like the Director of your institute or Dean.


The faculty/institute Erasmus Coordinator  (and in some cases also the Dean) approves classes that you will take at the host university and acknowledges your ECTS points/grades/course credits.

Therefore please do not refer to the University Erasmus coordinator with matters related to designing or changing your curriculum.

Changes to Learning Agreement

Upon arrival at your host university, it often turns out that for various reasons taking all the planned classes is not possible. In such case you should, after consulting the institute/faculty Erasmus Coordinator of your home university, design a new plan - Changes to Learning Agreement, which must be signed by your coordinator and/or other persons who approved the first version of the Learning Agreement.

Changes to Learning Agreement, signed by your host university Erasmus Coordinator must be sent to your home university Erasmus Coordinator within 30 days from the date which marks the beginning of your study period abroad.  

ECTS points

The Learning Agreement for Studies (LA) is the most important document connected with the Erasmus mobility. In other words, it is a plan of courses which will be carried out at the foreign university and which will be the basis for settlement of the mobility after its return.

The choice of courses should be made on the basis of the offer of subjects/courses placed on the websites of the receiving university. The study programme designed by the student must be officially approved by the home institute, i.e. signed by the Coordinator or/and other competent persons, e.g. the Institute's Director or the Dean.

The LA should be sent to the partner university within the deadline indicated by it.

By preparing your Learning Agreement you can always count on the support of the institute or faculty Erasmus Coordinator.  



The Erasmus grant is supplementary and meant to cover the gap in the cost of living between your home and receiving country. It is funded from EU sources. Students receiving the Erasmus grant retain the right to all other benefits like academic performance award, maintenance benefit or ministerial scholarship.

The amount of one month Erasmus scholarship/grant is determined by the National Erasmus Agency and differentiated according to countries:

Monthly Erasmus grant in the academic year 2023/24


Studies Traineeships  

670 EUR

820 EUR Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain  

600 EUR

750 EUR Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


Monthly Erasmus grant in the academic year 2022/23


Studies Traineeships  

550 EUR

700  EUR Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain  

450 EUR

600 EUR Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey

The total Erasmus grant for mobility is related to the duration of the semester and examination period at the foreign university. For this reason, students going to the same country may receive different grants.

The payment will be made on the condition that you sign the financial agreement, where the study period at the foreign university is indicated, before the mobility.

According to the principle adopted at the University of Wrocław funds are allocated for a maximum period of 5 months (by one semester mibilities) and for a maximum of 10 months (by two semester mobilities), and according to the general principles the mobility cannot be shorter than 2 months.

The grant provided by the Erasmus + program will be paid in two installments as compensation:

1st instalment: 80% before departure

2nd instalment: 20% after settlement of the mobility

To determine the correct co-financing amount, we consider the duration of the semester and the examination session at the foreign university, which must be confirmed by the host university. 

Short-term mobility

Erasmus+ program support for living costs in the amount of EUR 79 / day for the period from 1 to 14 days of activity and EUR 56 / day between the 15th and 30th day of activity.

Individuals who have fewer opportunities, including those with disabilities or who receive social subsidies, can obtain extra assistance. This includes EUR 100 for trips lasting up to 14 days, and EUR 150 for trips lasting 15 to 30 days.

Travel support

Erasmus students can benefit from the  "GREEN TRAVEL". Students who decide to travel to the host institution using low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or car sharing will receive a one-time allowance of  50 euro. In addition, in the case of travel up to 1,500 km, the University may grant funding for an additional 2 days of travel, and for a distance of more than 1,500 km for 4 days. Distance is calculated according to the distance calculator prepared by the European Commission: distance calculator. Travel dates must not coincide with dates of stay.

Important! In order to receive funding for additional travel days, the mobility trip must take place at least one day before the date contained in the financial agreement and the return at least one day after the end date contained in the financial agreement.

Additional Funding

Scholarship for Students With Special Needs

Students with special needs qualified for the Erasmus mobility, regardless of the degree of their disability, can apply for grants from a specific fund. Disability is here defined as movement constraints as well as the need for special medical care during placement abroad. The scholarship application must include a medical certificate specifying the degree of disability. Applications can be submitted exclusively via the International Office no later than one month before the beginning of the mobility.

Financial Agreement

If you have been accepted by the foreign university, you have to sign the Student Agreement in the International Office - an agreement between you, the beneficiary of the Erasmus programme, and the representative of the University of Wrocław, which addresses the formal and financial conditions of your mobility.

The Student Agreement is signed in the International Office before the planned mobility. We recommend to do it no less than 2-3 weeks before you leave.

Transferring the scholarship:

  • Transfers of Erasmus grant are done exclusively through transferring the money to a bank account (transfer to the account of another person, i.e. your parent, is possible only if you are the account's co-owner or you have been officially authorized by the owner at the bank outlet to use the account).
  • Erasmus grant is first transferred in EUR to the foreign currency (FC) account of the University of Wrocław, and then to the student's EUR FC account. It's the most popular solution among students because it helps avoid double currency conversion (EUR to PLN, and PLN to EUR). 
  • All bank transfer costs are covered by the University.
  • At the student's request, the EUR grant can be transferred to PLN account, the same into which travel grant will be paid.
  • Students receive grants in two instalments, 80% before departure to the partner university and remaining 20% after completion of Erasmus stay.

Mobility capital

Under the framework of Erasmus+ Programme students can apply for studies and traineeships at each of the three levels of studies (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD). Mobility capital (number of months spent abroad under the Erasmus Programme) is calculated separately for each level.

Mobility capital per one level of studies is 12 months. In the case of uniform Master’s programmes, mobility capital cannot exceed 24 months.

Any UWr student can receive funding at a given level of studies for the period of 3 to 10 months. In the case of uniform Master’s programmes, the number of possible mobilities gets doubled.

Declaration about mobility capital

Health Insurance

Outgoing students are required to hold a health insurance policy for the period of their studies abroad.

Students from EU member states are recommended to hold a European Health Insurance Card/EHIC, which is the proof of health insurance coverage in Poland and provides the coverage of medical treatment costs in a foreign country. 

All students, including those from outside EU, can obtain insurance cover from the National Health Fund.

Outgoing students can hold an insurance policy of one of the commercial insurance companies.

A copy of health insurance must be attached to the student agreement.

We recommend to purchase the EURO>26 card which allows its holders to obtain various discounts, and provides insurance against accidents.  

Online Linguistic Support

Students going abroad will be obliged to take two language command tests: before and at the end of the mobility. The test concerns the language of instruction during studies or the language of traineeship. The link to the test in the Online Linguistic Support system will be sent to a participant's e-mail. Tests can be taken in English,German,French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch,Czech, Danish, Greek, Swedish.

Taking the tests is required to complete mobility.   

Language courses online

The exchange student will have the opportunity to obtain a license for a professional language course in the Online Linguistic Support system.

Language course on-line consists of the following elements:

  •  language courses: drop-down menu allowing for the improvement of the following skills: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, communication; in MOOC form (Massive Open Online Course);  
  • tutoring: in the form of a virtual classroom, half-hour classes with teachers every other week between 9 AM and 4 PM in which students enrol;
  •   forum: teachers answer questions asked by the participants;
  •   news;
  •   level test:  test completing the on-line course. 

Licenses will be awarded by the University Erasmus + coordinator.

Extending Your Scholarship

If you have left in the first semester and decided to further extend your stay for the second semester, it is possible if both your host and home university agree.

Please remember, that the coordinator at your faculty in Wroclaw and the coordinator from the foreign university should be asked for permission to extend the stay.

Remember also, that the Erasmus grant can be allocated for the period of up to 10 months.

How to extend your scholarship.

You need to submit the following documents:

  1. amendment to financial agreement prepared on your account
  2. Learning Agreement for Studies for II semester approved by both Institutions (sending and receiving Institution), it means for us, that both parties agree to extension of your mobility, in exceptional cases we accept approvals (permission to extend your study from co-ordinators from both institutions) in the form of an e-mail information
  3. LA and changes to LA from the I semester - approved by both Institutions
  4. grades from the first semester of your studies at the foreign university (we accept preliminary version)
  5. updated insurance

Attention! Only after all documents are compiled and the extension is approved, the University will prepare the payment of the next instalment of the scholarship.

You need to submit the following documents no later than by the start date of the second semester at UWr.

Back at the University of Wrocław

After returning to Wrocław you have to submit the following documents to the International Office (filled in online from your account): 

  • Confirmation of Participation in the Erasmus Exchange Program (study period must be the same as the one determined in the Student Agreement). 
  • Transcript of Records, in case of doctoral candidates: confirmation of project/research results  

Please remember that before you leave, you are obliged to obtain the required certificates from your host university, especially Confirmation of Participation in Erasmus Exchange Program. Grade transcripts, however, can be sent to you at a later time.

  • Learning Agreement/Changes to Learning Agreement -  per every semester of your studies, signed by you, the UWr Erasmus Coordinator, and your host university Erasmus Coordinator
  • EU-Survey on-line

Erasmus grant payment of remaining amount - 20% or different if the dates in Erasmus Certificate are different than the Erasmus financial agreement.